A ghost ship on the island of Norderney

What happened?

A "ghost ship" washed up on the peaceful island of Norderney and kept the island on its toes. It soon emerged that the ship was a self-built vessel and not as abandoned as it first appeared. Thanks to the joint efforts of the town and the "mysterious" 70-year-old owner, the ship has now been salvaged.

Why do we like it?

It is a GHOST SHIP! Storytelling works here completely independently of the quality of the content produced. Even the very rudimentary early Instagram video we linked to has far more than 1000 likes.

What can be learned?

Story funktioniert. Im Seefahrts-Kontext gibt es viele alte Mythen und Legenden, die allgemein bekannt sind und deshalb gerade für das Interesse der Menschen sorgen, die sonst nicht in diesem Bereich bewandert sind.